Seattle Public Schools


International Education

International Education at Seattle Schools

Our vision is to prepare students, in partnership with families and community, for global citizenship in an increasingly interdependent world.

Seattle’s International Schools value multilingualism, cultivate creative and critical thinking skills, 并强调全球视野,帮助学生为日益相互联系的世界做出贡献并取得成功.

国际学校帮助学生从事智力严谨的学业,并为他们做好准备。国际学校让学生从事与文化相关和智力严谨的学业,为他们进入大学做准备, a career, and active participation in the local and global communities.

学生研究复杂和相互关联的全球问题,并学习如何认识和尊重不同的观点. 我们的国际学校教授和培养核心素质,如培养同理心和促进公平.

国际学校的学生培养跨文化沟通和合作技能,学习如何为可持续发展采取集体行动. 我们国际学校的教师和员工努力发展具有全球竞争力和文化响应的专业实践.

For news updates, subscribe to our newsletter Global Talk

International Education - Seattle Public Schools graphic.  in the center is a globe labeled Global Citizens. The next circle shows components of International Education (SPS Board Policy No. 2177: Cultural/Global Compentency, Global Perspective, World Languages. 外圈显示21世纪技能(SPS战略计划):沟通和协作技能, Creative and Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration Skills. The remainder of the outer circle shows Global Competence Matrix, (CCSSO/Asia Society) Investigate the World Recognize Perspectives, Communicate Ideas Take Action.

Preparing Global Citizens

  • RCW 28A.150.210: Basic Education – Goals of School Districts
    基础教育是一个不断发展的教学项目,旨在为学生提供机会 become responsible and respectful global citizens , to contribute to their economic well-being and that of their families and communities, to explore and understand different perspectives, and to enjoy productive and satisfying lives.”
    (emphasis added)

Components of International Education

Global Competence Matrix

Current Initiatives

  • Youth Lead Washington Global Issues Network (WAGIN) Conference since 2015 (2021 Website)
2019 WAGIN Conference, Chief Sealth International High School, Seattle WA
  • 遗产语言奖助金的重点是索马里语和西班牙语的机会和资源
  • 开放教育资源资助计划,重点关注中学双语课程的开发和资源
  • World Language Credit Program and  Seal of Biliteracy and One America’s  Speak Your Language Campaign

International Education Frequently Asked Questions


A: 如果您居住在国际/双语途径的初中或高中的附近出勤区, 您的孩子将被默认分配到该学校(因此您不需要提交表格).

To check your student’s current assignment, use our Assignment Lookup Tool.

如果你不在学校的出勤区居住(使用我们的作业查找工具进行检查), 那么你需要提交在公开十大正规网赌软件和学校选择网站上提供的学校选择表格. 注明国际/双语衔接中学或高中,您的孩子将被保证在该衔接学校就读.

Here are the pathways for 2020-2021:

  • John Stanford and McDonald International > Hamilton Intl MS > Lincoln HS
  • Beacon Hill Intl and Dearborn Park Intl > Mercer Intl MS > Rainier Beach HS
  • Concord Intl > Denny Intl MS > Chief Sealth Intl HS


A: If your child is in the Spanish, Japanese, or Mandarin Chinese Dual Language Immersion program at John Stanford, McDonald, Beacon Hill, Dearborn Park or Concord International School, then they qualify for the Intl/DL middle school pathway. If they are in the middle school Dual Language continuation classes at Hamilton, Mercer, or Denny Intl MS (Spanish/Japanese/Chinese Language Arts 3B), then they qualify for the Intl/DL high school pathway.

(Note that there may be students who joined the Dual Language Immersion pathway during middle school but did not attend one of the elementary International Schools; they still qualify for the high school pathway.)

More questions about our International Schools or Dual Language Education? Feel free to contact Dr. Thad Williams, International Education Administrator, or 206 252-0191. Questions about assignments or school choice? Please contact our Admissions office at 206-252-0760.

Q: What are the International Schools Dual Language Pathways?

答:衔接课程的概念是,在小学进入国际学校的双语课程的学生可以在中学继续学习该双语课程, 中学DL学生将能够继续进入高中.

A good example is the International Schools DL pathway in the Southwest region: Concord International School continues to Denny International Middle School, which continues to Chief Sealth International High School.

In the Northwest region, the two elementary International Schools, John Stanford International School and McDonald International School, feed into Hamilton International Middle School, and the Hamilton DL students pathway is to Lincoln High School.

In order to access the DL pathway:

  • 住在汉密尔顿出勤区以外的约翰斯坦福大学和麦当劳国际学校即将升学的五年级学生需要填写一份选择表,以继续在汉密尔顿国际学校DL途径学习. Assignment is guaranteed for these students, but they must fill out the form.
  • 住在林肯出勤区以外的汉密尔顿DL的8年级学生需要填写一份选择表,以继续在林肯高中的国际学校DL途径学习.

In the Southeast region, two elementary International Schools, 比肯山国际学校和迪尔伯恩公园国际学校是美世国际中学的附属学校. The high school Dual Language pathway continues to Rainier Beach High School.

就读于其他高中的美世中文和西班牙语双语学生, such as Franklin, Garfield, or Cleveland, 是否有机会在这些高中参加更高水平的国际语言课程, but no content classes are currently taught in Spanish or Mandarin.

Q: What about students who join the Dual Language program in middle school?

A: 如果学生的语言能力达到了中学双语班的预期水平, 那么该学生也可以被安排在该地区指定的国际高中衔接课程上. If a student wants to enroll in an International High School in a different region, the family can apply during Open Enrollment.

Q: What are the policies regarding admission to elementary International Schools?

A: For information about admission to any school in Seattle Public Schools, please check the Enrollment Services web page. Here are a few specific links that might be helpful to you:

  • Schools page with information about Option Schools, such as John Stanford International School and McDonald International School. As Option Schools, 他们为西班牙语或日语的母语/传统使用者留出了20%的时间来加入他们的课程. The Superintendent’s Procedures for Student Assignment 3130 SP explains the process.
  • All of the other elementary International Schools are Neighborhood schools. 在开放登记期间,社区外的家庭仍然可以向他们申请, but space may be limited.

而进入幼儿园的国际小学竞争非常激烈, especially for families living outside the neighborhood (for Beacon Hill, Dearborn Park, or Concord), or outside the GeoZone for Option Schools (McDonald and John Stanford), it is quite possible that there could be open spots in 1st – 5th grades, 尤其是三年级到五年级,因为这些年级班级规模较大,需要吸引能说流利浸入式语言的人在这些年级加入这个项目.

Q: Can students from other countries enroll in Seattle Public Schools?

A: Visit the district Enrollment webpage: Enrollment Services: International Students. It is the practice of the Seattle School District to admit as a student any person, regardless of national origin or citizenship, 学生或家长/监护人居住在西雅图学区范围内的证明文件. 西雅图学区不会就移民相关问题向家庭提供法律建议.

申请F-1签证的流程和要求,请参阅I-20文件和F1手册, 以及西雅图公立高中国际学生的注册信息.

For more information, contact 206-252-0760. For students seeking to attend school as exchange students on the J-1 visa, 有关国际学生交换的更多信息,请参阅地区政策和程序.

International Schools

Southwest Region

Southeast Region

Northwest Region